Bebe Omagbemi (Bibyonce) is a talented makeup artist based in Lagos Nigeria whose work has graced the faces of many celebrities. I was drawn to Bebe first because of her amazing name :) and then her amazing makeup skills. I had to speak to the person behind the brush. She was very soft spoken, open and really lovely during our chat. Thanks for finding time to talk to me.
How important is skincare?
Skincare is important especially as a makeup artist, I believe the better your skin the better your makeup looks.
Is it necessary to have good skin when you are a makeup artist?
Yes it is! As a makeup artist my skin has to be on point; I am a walking ad for my business so It is important that I take care of my skin. As a result, my skin is clear and I don’t need to wear makeup every day. As a matter of fact, I have not worn make up all week because I think it is important to let your skin breathe.
As a makeup artist, what is the most common skin type and conditions you come across ?
Fifty percent of my clients are combination skin types and due to the humidity in Nigeria, the skin condition I encounter frequently is acneic skin.
Do clients with skin conditions care about improving their skin?
Not really, most people would rather cover it up than deal with the issues. I constantly try to educate my clients on good skincare routines but some just don’t care. I take pride in the fact whenever I do my clients make up, it lasts all day and my clients can attest to the fact that it does not budge but this should not affect a good skincare routine. In the past, I have had clients wear my makeup even to the next day. I had a bride who wore my make up on Saturday and wore it on Sunday to church for thanks giving service (Laughs). She sent me a picture from church showing me how great her make up looked after 24 hours. I was shocked that she did that and obviously told her that it was bad for her skin and she needed to let her skin breathe.
What is your skin type ?
Combination. Oily and dry.
Take me through your skincare routine day and night
At night, I usually take off my makeup with Mac wipes. I really like these wipes because they are very effective. Then I use either Murad skincare products or Botanics cleansers and moisturizer. In the AM, I use the same products besides the wipes. I prefer to keep it simple and organic. I love using honey on my skin, I use it as a treatment or a mask in between my other routines.
Do you use SPF?
No, I don’t use SPF separately but my makeup has SPF in it.
What is your "I can't live without" product
My honey.
If you could create your own skincare product what will it be and what would be the benefits?
A scrub that fixes every condition like hyperpigmentation, acne and gives you a glow (laughs).
What is beauty to you?
Confidence is beauty.
Whose beauty inspires you?
Rita Dominic. Her skin is on fleek if I can say that; almost transparent. She is beautiful inside and out and very humble. We love her.