Please briefly introduce yourself
My name is Tolu Nelly, I work as a registered nurse in Ontario, Canada, where I have lived since I was a teenager.
How long was it between your engagement and your wedding?
Oh my goodness, time flew by too fast! I got engaged in March 2017, we did the introduction in April, and then we got married in August 17th 2017, so about 6 months.
How stressful was the process?

It was very, very stressful, especially planning a wedding long distance was extremely stressful. For instance, the five hours’ time difference was not fun because I work shifts at the hospital, so usually when I am awake they are sleeping, and when they are sleeping I am awake. Trying to find the balance was stressful.
Did you change your skincare routine before your wedding?
When I got engaged, I signed up for to help me stay organized with planning the wedding. One of the sections, advised brides on what to do with your skincare and exercise in preparation for your wedding. I printed it out, pin pointed steps I needed to add to my original regimen.
One of the tips on was, get microdermabrasion two weeks before severe sun exposure. So exactly two weeks before I went to Nigeria, I got a facial and microdermabrasion done. Besides that, I wouldn’t say my routine changed a whole lot before my wedding. I always cleansed my face twice a day, but in between I usually splash water just to keep my skin feeling clean and fresh.
However, in June, out of curiosity, I booked a free consultation with a dermatologist for a skin analysis. I was advised to moisturize more, especially around my neck.

Breakdown of skincare routine
CLEANSER - In the AM/PM I alternate between Neutrogena acne facial wash and ‘Clean and Clear’ facial wash
EXFOLIATE – My staple is the Clean and clear morning burst with vitamin C and Ginseng, but before my wedding I introduced Tea tree scrub by ‘the Body shop’, which I used three times a week with a buffer.
TREATMENT – My sister told me about Vitamin C serum, so I scouted for it. Luckily, I found one at the body shop, and the beauty advisor told me to use a lot of it for 10 days before my wedding. I think the vitamin C serum was responsible for my bridal glow (laughs)
MOISTURIZE – In the summer, I use Aveeno facial moisturizer with SPF15 in the summer, and in the winter time I use Olay active hydrating facial moisturizer.

I loved the idea of having a barn at your wedding, I thought it was unique. What was the inspiration behind that?
(Laughs) It was all my planner, Bisola from TrendyBee events. I love horses, I love their energy; you can see every muscle, and any chance I get I go horseback riding. Bisola went through my Instagram page, discovered my love for horses, and brought the idea to me. To be honest, I was a little nervous because I didn’t know who people would perceive it but she assured me that it would be fine, the horses would be trained so there was nothing to worry about. And she was right.
Most memorable moment of your day…
Our first dance was the most memorable moment of the day. I was tearing up and I thought the song was touching my soul, even though there was a little mix up with the song. I had sent the lead planner the wrong song, but the moment was perfect. It made it feel real and I realized this was actually happening.
What song did you have your first dance to and why did you choose that song?
It was “When I say I do” by Matthew West. The lyrics were relatable, and I could feel it.

Where did you go on your honeymoon?
I always thought that I was going to go to Egypt for my honeymoon but we decided to go somewhere in Nigeria. We looked online for reviews and we decided to go to Epe resort and spa, in Epe. We were there for 6 days and 5 nights and we enjoyed it.
Did you get a spa treatment?
No, we didn’t get to try out any treatments because we were so exhausted from wedding planning that we just wanted to rest.
Having been a bride recently, what skincare tips can you share with the newly engaged or Brides-to-be?
First, if you have any skin conditions, seek a skincare professional as soon as possible. My other advice is never try anything new too close to the wedding; stick to your routine if it is working for you. Finally, rest, eat your fruits and vegetables, and drink lots of water.

Looking back now, if you could share one wedding day advice to our soon to be Brides, what would it be?
I have tons (laughs). First, if you have the opportunity to do a two-day event, do it. For planning, get a wedding planner if you can afford to, it takes off a lot of stress. Wedding planning is stressful. I was stressed even with a planner, but I cannot imagine how things would have turned out without a planner. If you are someone that is very particular, like I am, hire a stylist or a wardrobe manger. Mine really helped, and gave me time to focus on me. Finally, prayer is important, and know that there is life after the wedding.