You have been the face of a skincare brand called Emmaus, how did that happen?
I was actually an ambassador for the brand for 1 year. It is a brand owned by a Nigerian who had Keratosis Pilaris, which led to her creating the product line. Oddly enough, I had keratosis pilaris, and I was searching for a natural skincare brand that could address it. I found the Emmaus handle and just started asking questions. Now, unbeknown to me, she had actually been following me because they had been looking for a brand ambassador at the time but did not mention it.
A year later, I was approached by Emmaus to be their brand ambassador. When I met with them, I was very upfront with my expectations. I told them I had to test the products for a few months because I am not going to endorse something that I don't believe works, or that gives me a bad reaction.
I used the products for about three months and I could see a difference. My keratosis Pilaris got better. I had a few breakouts on my back, and it cleared it. After seeing the results, I thought ok I definitely want to endorse this brand.
What is your skin type?
Overall, extremely sensitive skin. Combination (oily and dry) on my face, for the most part dry on my body .
Is skincare important?
I think it is important because if you are happy with the way your skin looks and feels, it makes you confident. I am someone that suffered from acne most of my teenage life, and I know how it made me feel. I felt very unattractive and insecure, and not because anyone was commenting about it per say, but it was more about how I felt on the inside. When my skin started getting clearer, it was almost like a 180 transformation; I started feeling more confident.
In general, for women, skincare is important to us because we want our skin to feel nice or look nice, especially as we get older and start to worry about aging in one way or another.
Take me through your day; your skincare routine in the morning and routine at night
In the AM, I use Germaine de Capucini products, which I purchase from Bnatural spa
Cleanse: Germaine de Capuccini
Tone: Germaine de Capuccini
Moisturize: Germaine de Cappuccini
Protect: I use Mesoestetic complete moisturizing sunscreen SPF 50
Emmaus Beauty products
Rain or Shine, I must have sunblock La Roche Posay Anti Helios xl SPF 50 bod
I do the same routine from the AM minus the sunscreen. For my body I alternate between Emmaus and Bio oil at night.
Do you use SPF in your routine?
Yes. I have been wearing sunscreen since I was 16 years old. I was prescribed acne medication, and the dermatologist put me on sunblock to protect my skin. I learnt the importance of sunblock from an early age, and it has become a lifestyle. I wear sunscreen daily, from head to toe, whether I am indoors or outdoors.
You mentioned skincare being a lifestyle, what other lifestyle choice do you practice that has affected your skin positively or negatively?
My diet affects my skin. I realized that consuming products with a lot of preservatives is a problem for me. I have to give credit to my dermatologist, Dr Vivian Oputa, who was the best dermatologist out of all the doctors I had seen in the UK and the United States. She really helped put my diet on the right track, which consequently helped me with my skin.
When I moved back to Nigeria, I loved Instant noodles. I thought it was so delicious, but it is full of preservatives. Dr Vivian Oputa brought to my attention the E number that was in instant noodles. She asked me to cut it out for two weeks, and in that two-week period my skin was transformed. I also cut out tin corn and tin peas, and in a month my skin was clearer. In two months, my acne had almost disappeared.Now my diet isn't perfect, but I know what throws me over the edge when it comes to break outs, so I am conscious.
In your industry, is the appearance of your a skin a factor?
In Nigeria, there is a bleaching epidemic. People are either using creams that are applied topically and ingested. There are some that go as far as injecting themselves with substances to get lighter. It is so bad that in all the years that I have been in Nigeria, I have had people say to me "you know if you were lighter you would do better as a presenter" (laughs) I don't understand how one equates to the other(laughs). In Africa, not just in Nigeria, a lot of people find light skinned people attractive, and I refuse to do anything that would affect my health or appearance to please others.
Would you shave your hair for a role?
(laughs) Funny you should ask; I was just having a conversation with my sister who is a director and actor as well, and I told her that would be the hardest thing for me to do because I am so attached to my hair it's ridiculous. So I don't know if I would.
You have a very eclectic and unique fashion sense. If you could raid one woman's closet whose would it be?
Oh... I don't know if I could pick just one. Solange Knowles; I would have a very happy time raiding her closet. I love her style. I think it would have to be between Solange Knowles, Blake lively and Tilda Swinton, as far as people abroad.
As far as Nigerians go; Lisa Folawiyo, Ugo Ofodile and Chalya Shagaya
What is your life' s motto?
I have quite a few, but the saying "Treat people as you would want to be treated" is important to me, because my father always emphasized the importance of respecting and treating people with kindness regardless of their background.
Beauty is....
Beauty is truly being comfortable with who you are Which woman embodies African beauty to you I think my aunt, Miss Evelyn Oputu. When I was a child, my earliest memory of her was of her just wearing lip gloss and eyeliner, but looking beautiful as ever. Even today, she still wears just lip gloss and eyeliner, and looks fantastic. I never saw her with a full face of makeup. Her hair was natural, and she always wore comfortable clothes that looked good on her.
One skincare tip for our readers
In Nigeria Sunblock! (laughs) Never leave home without an SPF 30, and even if you are at home, cover yourself with it from head to toe.