Krème Chats with Stephanie Coker; The Voice Nigeria reporter, TV personality and CEO of hair brand Krochet Kulture. I was humbled when Stephanie took time out of her really hectic schedule to chat with me about her skincare journey. She was a pleasure to speak with, and her beauty goes deeper than her physical appearance. Since we spoke she recently got engaged, and I would like to say a hearty CONGRATULATIONS to her. Wish you all the best, and thank you again. 


What is your skin type?


 How important is skincare to you?

I would say it is very important because of the work that I do. I have cameras constantly on my face taking pictures, and I have makeup on a lot of the time so it’s really important for me to take care of my skin. It is important to have healthy skin, skin that glows and is not sun damaged; that is one of the biggest issues I deal with since moving to Nigeria from the UK because it’s such a hot climate.

 You mentioned you moved from the UK to Nigeria. Is there a difference in your skin since you moved back to Nigeria?

It’s actually really funny you know, living in the UK I noticed I broke out more. Even now, going back to visit for business or holiday I would break out. But when I am in Nigeria I don’t seem to break out as much, unless I’m stressed, but it’s really crazy my skin doesn’t “agree” with the UK weather. The funny thing is I have lived there all my life so I guess my skin prefers Nigerian weather.

 Being in the public eye, and on camera do you feel pressure to have flawless skin?

Well growing up I had a condition that caused me to have excess hair on my face. So when I started working, I started doing laser. It used to get to me. Plus, people here (Nigeria) are very forward; they will tell you “Oh you have hair on your face” so that’s like the biggest pressure I have experienced. It really annoys me. 

 What kind of laser do they use?

I don’t remember the name of the machine, but I get it done at a med spa called Laserderm clinics  and they use lasers that are compatible with people of colour.

 How long have you been getting laser hair removal?

2 to 3 years.

And does it look less visible?

Yeah it has.

 Take me through your average day your skincare routine AM and PM


In the morning, I wash my face with black soap. I exfoliate a lot (like 4 times a week) so I use Queen Helene mask and scrub, or sometimes I use Clarins face scrub. Then I use a toner. Previously I used Clarins toner, but a friend recommended I try Clinique so now I use Clinque. So far I think it’s quite good.

I have one really annoying black spot, and for it I use Kiehls clear and correcting dark spots solution.

For moisturizer, I wear a lot of makeup usually so after cleansing and treating I would go to work without moisturizer and the makeup artist would put some moisturizer on before she applies make up. On my down days, I have a variety of moisturizers I use like crème de la mer and finally spf.


To remove my makeup I use make up eraser, wash my face, tone then moisturize.

 Do you use spf?

Yes, I do, SPF 50 from Boots.

 What lifestyle choice affects your skin positively and negatively?

I cut out sugar from my diet because that affected my skin negatively, and just recently started working out and drinking more water which has positively impacted my skin.

 Your I can’t live without skincare product

Clinique no 3, or no actually I will take my crème de la mer because I don’t want to waste it. (LOL)


Hair! I love braids and crotchet hair. I own a brand of crotchet hair called Krotchet Kulture, and that gets me really excited


4 times a week. I like kick boxing. I like it because it is still slightly fun and not just a workout.

Favorite place to travel to at this moment

At the moment, favorite place to travel to is LA. I love traveling.

 Best skincare advice, and from who

The dermatologist advised never to sleep with your makeup on, wash off your makeup. If you do wear make up to sleep, when you wake up it may seem like it has gone away but it actually has been absorbed by your skin. It’s really bad for your skin.

 Whose beauty inspires you?

For international beauty, Ciara; her skin is really nice. For local beauty, my cousin Lola; she is a beauty enthusiast, takes really good care of her skin and I love her mind. She is very business oriented and stays very positive.

 Skincare advice for Kreme readers

Love the skin you are born in and don’t try to change it. People on this side of the world try to change their skin because they are not happy, or because a lot of the times they feel light skinned girls are celebrated more. I have heard some men say that being light skinned is the way to success and I got really upset and tried to correct them because they may have daughters one day and would not like people saying that about them. Love the skin you are in, don’t change.



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