Tosyn Bucknor is, simply put, a creative renaissance woman. It's fascinating to see how many hats she wears. I wanted to chat with her because I was amazed by how she does it all, and maintains a cheerful and bright demeanor. By the end of our conversation, I admired her even more, and left inspired to live daily without fear of expressing my God given talents. Thank you so much Tosyn Bucknor for being everything.
What is your skin type?
Dry skin!! I like to joke that my skin is reptilian (laughs). It’s very dry.
How important is skincare to you?
It’s very important. I work in the media and entertainment industry so esthetics means a lot in my industry. Personally, in the last year or so I have been making the transition into being a beauty and skincare influencer/blogger/Vlogger. In that regard, you cannot advice people on skincare/beauty when your skin doesn’t look great. So, it is really important.
Link to Beauty / skincare vlogs
Beauty and Skincare vlogs
Take me through your skincare routine, AM and PM
I have three routines actually. I have what I call the “morning when I don’t have time” routine. Because of the nature of my job, my AM routine cannot be elaborate.
AM (weekday mornings 1st routine)
Exfoliate: Maybe mid-week before I jump into the shower, I apply a scrub.
PM (2nd routine)
After work, when I have a little more time, after I cleanse I either exfoliate or use a nice mask, followed by moisturizer. At night, I apply Vaseline on my face because, as mentioned earlier, I have extremely dry skin. I sleep with it on, and cleanse in the AM.
Weekend routine (3rd routine)
I actively go into my skincare routines. It’s pretty much the same thing as the weekday routines, but I devote a little more time to each step during the weekend.

What lifestyle choice affects your skin positively and negatively?
I am grateful to be blessed with good skin, but I know there are a few things I could do to give it a boost. A negative lifestyle choice would be not drinking enough water. I know I should drink more water during the course of the day, but it’s a struggle (laughs). I have tried to do routines, timetables, reminders, but it’s really hard.
One positive lifestyle choice I learnt, about five years ago, is the importance of sunscreen. Black people forget we need to use sunscreen, and I had made that same mistake for the most part of my life. Now I am very diligent with my sunscreen; I apply it daily, especially on my face. I can’t do without it.
One skincare product you have to have
For my skin, petroleum jelly is the only thing that has worked well on my dry skin. it’s also a multifunctional product; I can use it on my lips, brows and hair.
You are a hardworking woman who wears many hats. You are digital editor of Kwesified, content creator, you do podcast, radio, TV and YouTube, you’re a song writer, actor, writer. How do you do it all and do it so well?
Well I love routines. As a creative we tend to be all over the place, but I find that having routines help center me. It’s just about planning your day, keeping things structured, and try to get more than one thing out of everything I do. For example, when guests come on my radio show, I take snippets out of the interview, post it on YouTubes and ask for a quote from the guest that I would use in print so consequently getting three tasks done at once.
Link to Tosyn’s Blog
Her blog
I was really intrigued when I saw you had a podcast. They are huge in the United States, and gaining popularity in Nigeria, so can you tell me about your podcast.
I have three different podcasts. The first one is called What’s happening Naija. It’s a five-minute podcast, sharing the top headlines, which is recorded by me or someone that works with me. There is The Tosyn Bucknor Show; which is a compressed, unedited version of my morning radio show. With radio there are certain guidelines that you have to follow, especially with a morning show, but on my podcast, we explore topics in depth. The third podcast is my guide to new/aspiring on air personalities, it’s called OAP101. A weekly diary/lesson, where I share my experience and lessons learnt over the years as an on-air personality. For example, I have one content that deals with how to schedule content, another on how to ace your audition, and branding yourself.
Currently, those are the three podcasts we have, but I plan to have more in the future and grow; having more podcasters, creating content that we have worked on together, and slowly building them into little empires.
That is so cool! So podcasting, check! You are a song writer too! Out of all the songs you have written, which is your favorite?
It’s a toss between a song called Hidden Motives, and I Miss Me. They are my personally favorites, and it doesn’t matter how many songs I write right now they will always be top choice.
Below link to music by Tosyn Bucknor
Favorite song written by other artists
Its tough (laughs). I am going to share my all-time favorite and my current favorite. My all-time favorite is “You Oughta Know” by Alanis Morrissette; that song changed my life. My current favorite is “The Man Who Can’t be Moved” by the Script. It’s a song about a man determined to win his love back, and I love the song because it can be applied to so many life circumstances.
What are you excited by today?
Most excited about this interview (laughs)
Beauty is ......
Beauty is never looking at a mirror.
Which woman embodies African beauty to you?
Oh la la! Different women popped into my head for different reasons but…
Tracee Elliss Ross. Even though she is not African, I love her; everything about her is what I am here for. I find Lamide Akintobi too has beautiful features, and very beautiful. There is Efya, a Ghanaian singer who I find stylish, beautiful and very creative. These three women are who I think embody African beauty.
Advice to readers who want to become renaissance woman like yourself, who want to do it all and do it well
The next time someone tells you “jack of all trades, master of none” remind them the parable of the talents in the Bible. The master was going on a journey and entrusted to them property. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one. The one with the five talents made five more and the one with two made more while the servant with one dug it the ground and hid it. In the end, the servants who multiplied theirs were given much more.
My advice is whether you have one or a million talents, you have to use them all. You use some for business, and some for leisure (not necessarily making money from it). Always express yourself. I used to think, “maybe I shouldn’t do so many things” and when I tried to stop doing some, it made me unhappy. I now understand now that every talent is not for a career, and every talent given is for a purpose.
Finally, use tools to help you create balance. As I mentioned earlier, setting routines, schedules, etc will help. nd don’t let anyone tell you it cannot be done.