Normal skin has good oil -water balance. The follicles are normal size, and the skin is usually free of blemishes. If the follicle size is smaller to medium around the edge of T-bone by the nose measuring outward from the center of the face, this is typical of a normal skin type. Follicles are not usually that visible towards the cheeks or outside of the face. Maintenance and preventative care should be the focus of this skin type.
Combination skin can be both oily and dry, or both oily and normal at the same time. The T-zone through the middle of the face on the forehead, nose and chin is oiler. This area has more sebaceous glands and larger pores. The outer area of the face can be either normal or dry and can appear flaky from dehydration or build up of dead skin cells. If you notice the follicle size is noticeable, looks medium to larger outside the T-zone on the cheeks, this is an indication of combination skin type.
Combination skin needs to be balanced and requires more care than normal skin does. To care for combination skin, the oil -water balance can be achieved by treating both the oily and dryer areas of the face. Proper maintenance includes cleansing and exfoliation which helps to keep skin clear and blemishes at a minimal. Water based products work great for this skin type and avoid using harsh products, excessive and abrasive exfoliation should be avoided on this skin type and on all skin types.
Stay blessed.